By Sardar Khan Niazi
All countries must respect each other, live together as equals, pursue peaceful development, and achieve common prosperity.
Some countries such as India are worried that China has launched joint military drills with Russia. China’s military drills have been continuing around Taiwan, a tiny territory, though on a smaller scale. However, nobody is concerned about the US conducting drills and creating anti-Chinese alliances.
One should be very careful in supporting the US. See how the US is interfering in every region and country, bullying some, which do not follow Washington’s policies. The US is now provoking China.
The US has not spared Vietnam, Iraq, and Libya. Who can control the US? Why the US is disputing Taiwan, as it is not its business? The US is also against CPEC. The US does not consider the international rules and order as it wants only its wishes that is to say to control every country.
The US is in such a state of mind called dreaming. However, the world as a whole does not believe in the US leaders’ statements. Instead of holding the US responsible for bullying and hegemony, some leaders seem to massage the US for favors. Go ahead and behave like a slave. Nevertheless, some are not slaves of the US.
After two world wars, the United States emerged as the top power and then dominated the building of international political and economic order to serve its interests. It often enjoys de-facto control over various international organizations established under its leadership.
The United States, motivated by its geostrategic interests, has long been a meddler in other countries internal affairs and subverted their governance, inflicting wars and turmoil in various parts of the world.
Following the end of the Cold War, the United States became the sole superpower in the world, seeking to justify its military operations in the name of humanitarian intervention. Where there were U.S. troops, there was a mess, be it in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, or Syria.
However, the unipolar moment that once existed in the wake of the Cold War has already gone. Now all countries are intimately interconnected and want to develop in their own ways.
The US, once relying upon its technological strength and the dollar hegemony to reap the wealth of the rest of the world is now facing domestic problems. Selfish and headstrong domination is always doomed to failure as a US debacle in Afghanistan and other parts of the world.
From the COVID-19 pandemic to global trade rules, from climate change to economic development, the US is actively vexing the priorities of most of the world’s democracies. In the process, U.S. foreign policy is in the name of democracy compounding the global crisis and delegitimizing US power,” says an article published by a famous magazine Foreign Affairs.
Another magazine The Atlantic comments that the sole superpower has now turned into a failed state. Its decades-long hegemony pales amid rising social unrest, decaying political governance, and clumsy epidemic response, which has been dragged down by spats over such science-based anti-virus protocols as mask mandates, self-isolation, and social distancing.
Like a magnifying glass, the pandemic has exposed deep-seated woes in the US, including an insurmountable wealth gap.
The richest one percent of Americans hold much more wealth than the bottom 50 percent. Rampant money politics i.e. lobbying, campaign contributions, manipulating mainstream media and systemic racism i.e. police violence against African Americans, hate crimes against Asians, etc. have driven apart the US society.
The highly uneven US society cannot solve the problems fundamentally sapping the US power. The US had better solve its domestic problems and stop worrying that the most promising candidate to replace it is China.