Due to Pakistan International Airlines’ exponential price increase, a one-way ticket for Pakistani students studying in China currently costs close to Rs. 500,000. (PIA).
Other airlines’ prices have reportedly gone up as well, and now a one-way flight might cost anywhere between Rs. 500,000 and Rs. 800,000. Students are particularly negatively impacted by this.
According to sources, China’s continued coronavirus restrictions are to blame for the rise.
The issue impacting Pakistani students has received a lot of coverage in the country’s traditional media and on social media. The affected students also came up with the well-known Twitter hashtag #PIALootingPakStudents.
According to Dr. Asmat Malik, a member of the Pak-China Student Council, a five-hour direct flight on a Boeing 777 from Pakistan to China costs roughly Rs. 550,000, but the same travel from China to Pakistan costs Rs. 130,000.
She demanded an explanation from the PIA’s CEO, Air Vice Marshal (AVM) Amir Hayat, as well as the aviation minister, Khawaja Saad Rafique.
In light of the fact that, prior to the epidemic, a one-way ticket to China may cost anywhere between Rs. 50,000 and Rs. 70,000, the students’ and their parents’ worry is understandable given the dramatic price increase.