In her soon-to-be-released drama series Meri Shehzadi, actress Urwa Hocane will play the role of Princess Diana, a British Royal.The drama will portray the late Princess’s opulent yet tragic existence.
A woman named Dania, a political figure and a princess of hearts, experiences a profound sorrow as she ages, according to the teasers that have been released so far.
While Qasim Ali Murid is the serial’s director, the drama’s screenplay was written by renowned author Zanjabeel Asim Shah, who is well known for creating the script for Pyaar Ke Sadqay.
Urwa Hocane, Ali Rehman, Shabbir Jan, and Qavi Khan play the main characters in Meri Shehzadi.Dramas like Neeli Zinda hai, Parizaad, and Udaari helped Urwa Hocane become well known.