Thousands of cases are lying in the courts, people are waiting for justice, Arif Chaudhry
In the Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto reference, the court has summoned me, Ahmed Raza Kasuri
ISLAMABAD: Editor in chief Pakistan group of news paper and chairman Rozenews SK Niazi’s
conversation in Sachi Baat programme Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's appeal in Al-
Azizia reference was approved today, Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's hope of becoming
Prime Minister again has faded, Nawaz Sharif is also working in public, cases are also being
cleared PTI's immediate return to the political arena is impossibleand I am seeing the upcoming
election clearly and transparently, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto reference decision will close a chapter,
PML-N has a lot of experience in governing, It can be hoped that the economic problems will be
solved, If the army chief also has support, he will soon get out of economic difficulties, The
coming time will tell better what will happen after the election, A coalition government can be
formed in Punjab, Currently, PPP's position is strong in SindhPPP has also done some good
things in Sindh. There is no chance of seat adjustment of PML-N with Tehreek-e-Insaaf, The
PML-N's Tehreek-e-Satwaat-e-Pakistan Party will have a seat adjustment.
Lawyer Arif Chaudhry's talk in Sachi Baat program,It was clear in the cases of Nawaz Sharif that
he will get relief from the courts. As many cases of accountability, government resources were
wasted, they did not benefit, People are very excited for the election, a legal expert, Who can
support the judiciary, the judiciary has to build its own dignity, The Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto reference
was prepared by me, a legal expert, 12 years ago, Arif Chaudhry had gone to the cold room
when the reference was filed, The purpose of taking justice in Zulfikar Ali Bhutto case is to wash
away the stain from the court, If the decisions of the judiciary are accepted, the justice system
can be improved and Currently, there is a lot of pressure on the judiciary, most of the judges are
doing private jobs. An accused cannot be sentenced to death on someone's wish, said legal
expert Arif Chaudhry,Thousands of cases are lying in the courts, people are waiting for justice,
If the justice system is to be effective then it has to be delivered, In any case judges should see
the case and not the fee, Threatening the judges will lead to destruction of the judicial system, If
this situation remains, the world will not believe our justice system.