KARACHI: In the well-known case, the investigation officer, according to Dua Zahra’s father’s attorney Jibran Nasir, has allegedly been hiding crucial material that has come to light during the investigation but should have been looked into straight away. Dua, 15, attracted widespread notice when she abruptly disappeared from Karachi in April.
Later, she admitted that she had left her home to wed Zaheer Ahmed, who was 21. The teen’s family has been suing Zaheer in an effort to get custody of her, claiming that she abducted their daughter because she was a “minor” and couldn’t have been married at her age. The police are further damaging the public’s faith by failing to conduct a thorough investigation of the facts.
Mehdi Kazmi’s attorney made a claim on Twitter. Mehdi Kazmi has repeatedly argued in his pleas that he was the one who sent the girl to Lahore, not the accused.