ISLAMABAD: Former prime minister and chairman of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), Imran Khan, has asked the Islamabad High Court (IHC) to rule on a case that calls for him to be disqualified “for omitting his alleged daughter Tyrian White’s name in the nomination papers.”
PTI leader made the plea in his response, which was submitted in accordance with the directives of IHC Chief Justice Aamer Farooq, who gave him another opportunity to make his response in the case last month.
The petitioner, Mohammad Sajid, argued that Mr. Khan had only listed his two boys in the nomination forms and not his putative daughter Tyrian White. He requested that the former premier be disqualified in accordance with Article 62(i) (f).
The former premier responded by claiming that the case was inadmissible since he was no longer in a position of authority and that the IHC had previously dismissed a similar petition against him.
Indirectly, Mr. Khan objected to the high court panel hearing the case, claiming Justice Aamer Farooq was ineligible to hear it since he had recused himself from hearing a similar case in 2018. He also emphasised the fact that four high court judges had declined to consider the case.
In reference to the affidavit he had submitted to run for office, he advised the petitioner to take the matter up with the appropriate body since the high court was unable to review it.