To see the moon of Ramadan 1445 Hijri in the country, the meeting of the Royat Hilal Committee will be held tomorrow in Peshawar.
Maulana Muhammad Abdul Khabir Azad, chairman of the Central Royat Hilal Committee, has called a meeting on Monday, March 11, to see the moon of Ramadan.
Apart from this, Maulana Muhammad Abdul Khabeer has also appealed to the people of Pakistan to see the moon.
On this occasion, Maulana Abdul Khabir Azad said that it is desired that the blessed month of Ramadan begins on a single day throughout the country.
On the other hand, Ramadan will start tomorrow in America and Canada.
Centers running on the fixed Muslim calendar in America and Canada will observe the first fast on Monday, March 11.
Mosques and organizations starting Ramadan by sighting the moon in America and Canada will hold a meeting on sighting the crescent today