Rawalpindi deputy commissioner on Thursday rejected All Pakistan Muslim League (APML) chief Sheikh Rashid Ahmed‘s request of seeking permission to hold public rally in Lal Haveli, Rawalpindi.It must be noted that former federal minister had requested the district administration for organising a rally in Lal Haveli on Aug 13.The district administration turned down Ahmed’s request citing law and order situation of the garrison city.Responding on district administration’s outright rejection, the former minister issued a video statement in which he said he would announce a rally when he would be allowed, adding that he never wanted any affront with anyone.“I can’t see the miseries of poor workers. I am the only politician who went to children jail where I used to teach third and fourth grade students,” he claimed.He deplored that he was sent to an unknown location for forty days and meted out unkind treatment, adding that he didn’t give statement against anyone’s wife and did a press conference following my own will.
The Coast Guard will hear from former OceanGate employees about the Titan implosion
U.S. Coast Guard officials investigating the implosion of an experimental watercraft en route to the wreck of the Titanic were...
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