Unprovoked Indian aggression on Line of Control in AJK and in Sialkot sector must not be taken lightly as it could be a tactic to escalate the violation on bigger scale to gain the hidden broader agenda.
After the general election in India, Narinder Modi became the 15th Prime Minister of India. Despite the participation of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in the oath taking ceremony of Modi as the premier of India, tension between the two neighboring countries could not be normalize. Analysts were hoping for the betterment of the relations between the two countries on the economic front but it has turned out to be violent, once again.
It is surprising element that right after the address of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in the General Assembly of United Nations on September 27, as he urged that the Kashmir issue cannot be sidelined until it was resolved in line with the wishes of the region’s people; India began violating the Loc and continued its unprovoked aggression.Narendra Modi, addressing at the same stage termed the demand as pointless exercise when there were so many more pressing issues facing the region and the world. Unprovoked Indian shelling started across the line of control on Eid day and it is continued for couple of weeks, has taken the lives of more than a dozen civilians and damaged the civilian populated areas.
Pakistan has lodged strong protest with the Indian government through diplomatic channels and called for restraining the constant violation of the ceasefire by India. Pakistan also has written a letter to the United Nations about the Indian hostility across the line of control and demanded to take a serious note of the situation.
Indian Prime Minister Modi, is not an emotional man and he has proved his worth after stabilizing the economy of Gujarat state of India as the Chief Minister. He knows the importance of the economic stability to gain the power at all levels, he must be well aware that the path to reach the hearts of the people goes from the goal of economic prosperity. Under his command India has violated the line of control, which would not bring economic stability at all then what could be the hidden agenda this aggression? Sartaj Aziz is the key adviser on the foreign policy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif also showed his concerns over the recent escalation of ceasefire violations at the Line of Control and Working Boundary by Indian security forces. He said that despite strong diplomatic protests, India has not been able to restrain its forces.
Although, Pakistan has condemned the Indian violation on the diplomatic fronts and also have lodged the protest with the United Nations but a lot more needs to done. Politicians can call for the joint sessions of the parliament when they see themselves in hot water and continue the weeks long session in order to remove any danger to the democracy and ultimately to their stay in the power, but they are not curious to raise voice with same enthusiasm in the parliament when it comes to the unprovoked aggression of the neighboring country. Iran a brotherly neighboring country has also changed the tone of voice and hinted that if Pakistan would not be able to tackle the terrorist activists on its side of the border then it can deal with the issue.
It is the time incumbent government and policy makers must realize it is the time to stabilize the economic condition of the country, this is the only way they can give the thumping reply to the countries violating the line of control and their voice at the international level would be heard with more attention.