As he discussed collaborating with the celebrated filmmaker on the new film, Hamza Ali Abbasi shared the adorable moniker Bilal Lashari gave him while they were filming The Legend of Maula Jatt. The Parwaz Hai Junoon actor exclusively discussed his return project after a four-year absence from performing as well as the dynamic he shares with the Waar director.
Abbasi was questioned about if Lashari’s direction helped him assume the vicious part, which had previously been portrayed by Mustafa Qureshi, or whether he had to channel some internal quality.
The 38-year-old actor replied, “It was a collective effort. Bilal Lashari is the kind of director who gives you the overall arc of the character, or just the main idea of it, and then he’s somebody who will let you experiment with it.
Now that I had the skeleton of a character in mind, Billy [Lashari] allowed me free rein to develop them. I could do anything I pleased, he said. Go nuts with it, he said “Abbasi laughed and explained that’s why he calls me Noori Nuts in a loving manner.”
The director or the writer should give the actor the storyline then give him the margin or the creative freedom so the actor might fill in some of his own colour in the character,” the actor stated.
Hamza Ali Abbasi will appear alongside Fawad Khan and Mahira Khan in the 2022 remake of the 1979 cult classic of the same name, which is scheduled to open in theatres all over the world on October 13th.