The prices of all daily essentials are shooting up abnormally. Amid the struggle to cope with the skyrocketing price hikes, a fresh surge in prices of daily essentials has dealt a further blow to the common people.
In addition, the prices of most vegetables have doubled in the kitchen markets. However, the prices of edible oil have been dropping in the global market gradually for the last few months. However, the government has not taken any initiative to reduce the price of edible oil.
Therefore, the latest wave of price hikes for daily needs and other food items has further upset the commoners. The authorities must carry out constant monitoring of the markets to keep normal the prices, stocks, and supplies of essential commodities.
Officials are also continuously assuring that there would be no shortage of essential commodities in the country. They also warned of taking stern action against those who would try to create any artificial crisis of essentials in the market but with no results.
However, showing thumbs to the authorities, concerned, traders are constantly increasing the prices of essentials. Therefore, there has not been much reflection on the market on what the government is claiming in terms of stock and market monitoring.
With the reduced income, the sky-high prices of daily essentials are eating into people’s family budgets. Now one can hardly buy one kg of vegetable at a high price though there is a big price gap in retail and wholesale markets.
The price hike of essentials is very much visible. Consumers allege traders deliberately hike the prices of vegetables without showing any valid reasons. A section of dishonest traders deliberately adopts the strategy to raise the prices of vegetables and other essentials.
Therefore, consumer associations and farmers’ associations will have to deal with the intermediaries, which may help reduce prices alongside ensuring fair shares of farmers.
The government should mull further steps to bring down the prices of daily essentials to keep them at a tolerable level for ordinary consumers. Besides, the local administrations will have to monitor the prices of essentials at all major markets.
Everything has gone out of people’s purchasing capacity. The lower, lower middle, middle, and fixed-income groups people especially day laborers, rickshaw pullers, and drivers are the worst sufferers from the essentials price hikes.
They are facing serious financial hardship as running families have now become unbearable for them. No one will understand their agonies, common people allege every day, adding prices are skyrocketing although their salaries do not increase.
An organized syndicate comprising traders and wholesalers is still hiking the prices of everything including daily needs. Though the initiatives are there to protect consumers’ rights, the identified members of this unholy nexus remain untouched. As a result, they have become desperate to make a profit on large margins in dishonest and unethical ways alongside volatile essentials’ prices.
People’s suffering has increased due to a fresh surge in the prices of essentials. The businesspersons should not think only about profit but also take some more measures immediately so the commoners would not suffer from price hikes.
Against the backdrop of the impacts of the global economic situation when the government is trying hard to keep the prices of essential commodities at a minimum level through ensuring the stabilization of the economy, some corporate houses, dishonest millers, hoarders, and traders together are making the essentials market unstable deliberately.
The prices of essential commodities are going up due to the excessive greed of traders. It is not possible to arrest the prices of daily essentials by only taking measures, making statements, or warning issues instead of getting tough on the greedy traders.