American President, quite infamous for his ‘shutting the door’ policy has expanded his ban to the non Muslims as well. It really is a breakthrough for the kind of person who only felt threatened from the countries like Syria and Somalia. America under Trump is becoming notorious for hitting the wrong targets and never confessing the blunders. From his twitter account to the country’s foreign policy, Donald Trump has always focused on ceasing all kinds of communications. What different this global age would be from that of the dark ages if isolation is the only solution. Recently Trump signed off on new restrictions on travelers from three countries not initially part of his contentious Muslim travel ban. Travelers from North Korea and Chad, senior government officials and their families in Venezuela are barred from obtaining non-immigrant visas. The rule soon will be taking effect. Unlike the previous victims Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen, this move of Donald trump is not expected to be paying much heed by North Korea. It isn’t only because of the fact that ‘rocket man’ has been ignoring all kinds of furious messages from Trump and has successfully launched number of missile tests. But Trump’s recent travel ban is more of a symbolic one and will not bother Kim Jong-un much as not many people from the country visit United States. North Korea under its dictator rule already has strict laws regarding foreign travel of its citizens. They are most likely to travel for the jobs that will benefit the country’s economy is the long run but luckily none are believed to be in the United States. This apparently useless ban on N.Korea, Chad and Venezuela officials that comes at the time when Trump’s 90 day ban on Muslims was set to expire has only given room to more controversy regarding Donald Trump. His flawed ways have received intense criticism not only from the world and the Democrats but from the Republicans as well. In his previous Muslim ban of seven Islamic countries the American politicians called it the “self-inflicted wound in the fight against terrorism.” Now the intentions behind his recent ban remain uncertain. We can’t say if he is just trying to avoid the advocacy groups who consider him racist with anti-Muslim sentiments or is he actually trying to infuriate ‘madman’ of N.Korea.
It seems N.Korea will not pay much heed to Trump’s travel ban.
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