The problem of encroachments in the federal capital’s markets had become a menace for the residents of the city. There seemed to be no solution to this growing problem as over the recent few years the encroachers grabbed more and more space in various markets. In some major markets the situation was so severe that the encroachers had left no space for the shoppers. Temporary kiosks turned into permanent shops and more and more land was grabbed with impunity.
The Capital Development Authority (CDA) under the previous Chairman also took action but that was a temporary fix. The action was limited to just a few markets and against only a select few encroachers and even those who were removed managed to surface once again in a matter of days.
The recent operation carried out by the Capital Development Authority has been relentless and widespread. Most major markets of the capital have been completely cleared and even those settlements that had become permanent have been removed. The authority faced opposition and protests from traders but it stuck to its task and carried forward the operation, the credit for which definitely goes to Sheikh Anser Aziz, the Chairman Capital Development Authority.
The series of anti-encroachment operations were conducted along the Expressway, Markaz G-10, Blue Area, Faisal Market, Terlai, Park Road, F-11, Faisal Mosque, G-11, G-9/1, I-9, G-7/3-2 and other areas thereby removed all moveable and immovable encroachments.
Speaking recently about the issue the Mayor said that that the main purpose of this drive is to restore natural grace of the city by eradicating encroachments completely from the entire city. The Mayor asked the business community particularly traders to join hands with CDA and Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad (MCI) in complete eradication of encroachments and warned that encroachments in any shape would not be tolerated.
The bigger problem will be to stop these encroachers from surfacing again.
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