Section 144 was put into effect in Lahore, the provincial capital, for seven days before to demonstrations by the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).
For a period of seven days, the provincial administration prohibited any form of assemblies, jalsas, or corner meetings in the area.
The ban is put in place ahead of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) demonstrations that are scheduled to take place in the city to support the judiciary.
Additional A number of protests and rallies are staged in the city on a daily basis at various locations, according to the Chief Secretary’s orders, which not only pose severe security risks but also impede traffic and annoy the general public.
For this reason, it has been essential to apply section 144 of the Cr.P.C., 1898 on the holding of all types of assemblies, gatherings, sit-ins, and rallies in light of the current overall security situation following the recent wave of terrorism & newest threat alerts. Processions, Demonstrations, Jalsas, Dharnas, Protests and such like such activities across the district Lahore to avert any unfortunate incident, the order states.
Civil society is anticipated to react strongly to the prohibition on public rallies hours prior to the Aurat March for International Women’s Day and the PTI election rally.