The way the PTI is playing with the fireball of social media is alarming. It should me a matter of great concern not only for the government and the society but for the PTI itself.
This exercise has brought many troubling questions to the fore: Wherefrom Imran Khan’s tweets are being operated? Who is running Imran’s Twitter? Who is the architect of PTI’s social media policy? Who is strategizing its social media?
Even if the twitter of a prisoner is working in a symbolic way the question is : on what terms and conditions? Who is behind the gun? Is it PTI Chairman? Is it Imran’s spokesperson? Has he authorized someone? Is it someone from is legal team? Is it any member of core committee? Is it a collective response of CEC being issued in the name of Khan? It can be any way , but it must be visible and clear.
Social Media is a powerful tool. It can create anarchy within a society. It must be regulated. 3rd world countries must not be kept hostage to this social media war being strategized from outside serving some powers quite known but still unknown. A small spark can start a big fire.
PTI is playing the diplomatic tactics. And what is it? It is intending ambiguity. Issue a statement , calculate the response, then own it if it serves you or deny it if it troubles you. Interpretation rests with you. Keep everyone confused. Interpret as per your requirement.
Look at the way PTI is playing with the fireball ball of narrative. A statement is issued in the name of Khan , through his twitter. The statement is debated well. The purpose is well served. Then on fine morning a gentleman from the PTI denies it. They have one pretext to issue it , and they have millions of pretexts to deny it. Within the ambit of this intended ambiguity they play their narrative game.
This is terrible and alarming.