ISLAMABAD: The judicial commission on Friday summoned the former caretaker chief minister of Punjab Najam Sethi and television anchorperson Hamid Mir on Monday in alleged rigging in the 2013 general elections case.
Judicial Commission headed by Chief Justice of Pakistan Nasirul Mulk is probing alleged rigging in the 2013 general elections. The lawyers in the hearing of the judicial commission have completed cross-examination of the former secretary Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) Ishtiaq Ahmed.
In the proceedings of the commission, former secretary ECP Ishtiaq Ahmed while replying the questions of lawyers said that according to the procedure the Returning Officers were directed to include a set of Form 14 and 15 in vote bags.
On a question of the Chief Justice about provision of the election commission’s December 09, 2013 report to the Judicial Commission, Ishtiaq Ahmed said that the report has been provided to the commission in its record.
He said that the media and NGOs representatives were provided access to all polling commissions on the polling day.
The commission summoned the former caretaker chief minister of Punjab Najam Sethi and television anchorperson Hamid Mir for the next hearing on Monday.