The World Polio Day was observed across the globe recently with renewed pledge to work with more dedication in enhancing awareness about the hazards of the crippling disease. Activists and office bearers of social and medical organisations observed the day. Awareness camps and seminars were organised at educational institutes against the dreaded disease. It is pleasant that special tribute presented to the polio workers, they are doing noble as well as difficult job when we talk about Pakistan. Polio workers are an active part of the campaign to eradicate the disease from the country.
Polio is highly infectious disease and strikes children mainly under the age of five in parts of Africa and South Asia. Polio can cause paralysis and sometimes death. Apart from three countries, unfortunately Pakistan included in them, rest of the world has eliminated the disease of polio. In Pakistan polio workers had to face extremist elements as they were attacked at times. It was very unfortunate that officials working for a noble cause were attacked and killed. But still as a nation we took determined stance to root out Polio from our country and results are positives. Polio had been declared a national emergency in Pakistan as country was struggling to get rid of the disease. Recent surveys suggest that in last couple of years Pakistan has achieved great success in controlling the disease. It is pleasing that very less polio cases have been surfaced in Pakistan in current year so far in comparison of last years.
Despite fall in polio cases, Pakistan still falls in the three countries, along with Afghanistan and Nigeria, which are not declared polio free yet. Progress had been made to eradicate polio from the country, but a lot of ground still needed to be covered to make the country a polio free zone. We must make sure that no child between the ages of 0-5 year is left without administration of polio drops. Parents should administer polio drops to their children on regular basis. Coordinated efforts of both government departments and the general public are needed to make the region polio free.
Coordinated efforts are needed to make the country polio free.
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