There is no economic justification for the stock exchange to go up, Shahid Hasan Siddiqui
ISLAMABAD: Editor in chief Pakistan group of news paper and chairman Rozenews SK Niazi exclusive conversation with PTI founding member Akbar
In the case I fought, I tried to present the facts, The Election Commission is a constitutional institution, it will take a better decision was the last chance of intra-party election for PTI
We are trying to make the PTI intra-party elections meaningful
Participating in intra-party elections is also a fundamental right,
No one can be forced not to participate in intra-party elections,
No one got a chance to participate in the intra-party election,
Our plea was that PTI has committed fraud in the name of intra-party election,
There is a history of intra-party elections in Tehreek-e-Insaf,
I had complained earlier about the intra-party election,
Ex-Chairman PTI being in jail is not a justification for fake intra-party election
Economist Dr. Shahid Hasan Siddiqui’s conversation in Sachi Baat program
There is no economic justification for the stock exchange to go up,
The government wants the upward trend in the stock exchange to continue,
The stock market continues to fluctuate, economist
As much as we ruined the economy, the next government will be in trouble,
We are not doing reforms but we are talking about contract economy,
The situation of our economy is very disturbing,
We had our affairs with the IMF but the delay is beyond understanding
Army Chief is on a visit to America, many new issues will come to light,
America can put some more conditions on the security situation in the region,
There will be a lot of pressure on the incoming government, if it can’t do it then where will we go,
We were going to issue 1.5 billion sukuk bonds which we could not,
This country belongs to all of us, as much as you are in pain, I am in the same pain,
Apart from paying interest, the country has to be run, where will all this money come from,
Reducing the trade deficit will increase the growth rate,
Our expectations from the IMF have not been fulfilled,
We have nuclear power, geographical position but we are nowhere,Despite having all the resources, we do not have the power to make the right decisions,
The Holy Quran also says that a man gets as much as he strives for,
We have to wake up the people this is our first need,