We shall be destined to repeat our foolishness as long as the state remains silent about the errors committed by its employees. Furthermore, accountability for the omissions of those who were negligent must be taken into account when these errors affect matters of law and order and national security. Sadly, the committee tasked by the Supreme Court to investigate the violent 2017 TLP dharna in Islamabad has failed on numerous fronts, and political pundits are deriding the commission’s conclusions. The study presents a mild-mannered analysis of the dharna and the related controversies, rather than clearly blaming anyone for the fiasco. The conclusions, said to Defence Minister Khawaja Asif, have “no authenticity or credibility.” Mr. Asif was especially troubled by the drama’s “main characters,” which were retired general Faiz Hameed, the DG-C of the ISI at the time, and then army chief Qamar Bajwa, not showing up before the inquiry. Raza Rabbani, a former head of the Senate, noted that the study assigns the Punjab government responsibility for the tragedy. This criticism has a lot of merit. For instance, the inquiry was informed by the then-interior minister Ahsan Iqbal that Gen. Faiz essentially went over the head of Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi because the military had reportedly inked the agreement with the TLP before the PM was made aware of it. Mr. The commission ought to have looked into these sensitive problems instead of dodging them; in particular, the notion that a senior intelligence officer overruled the highest elected figure in the nation’s power is extremely troubling. Recently, the military opened an investigation into Gen. Faiz for alleged power abuse in relation to a housing project. Consequently, there’s no reason why senior ex-officers can’t respond to questions about their involvement in the Faizabad fiasco. This article has consistently maintained that all institutions must function within their constitutional bounds, and these kinds of investigations provide a forum for precisely defining those bounds. No organisation should view it as an issue of pride; rather, responding to inquiries and helping with these investigations should be seen as a duty, for the benefit of the country. A wider, more transparent probe is needed to avoid another Faizabad-style incident.
The Chilling Grip of PECA on Pakistan’s Media
The foreboding pronouncements of Pakistan’s media fraternity have, with grim certainty, morphed into a tangible reality. The recent invocation of...
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