Ukraine’s Defense Minister, Oleksiy Reznikov, called on Russian troops to hand over their weapons on Friday, promising them “life and safety.”You can still save Russia from disaster and the Russian army from humiliation,” Reznikov said in a video message to Russian troops.
“We guarantee life, safety, and justice to anyone who refuses to fight right away. We will also set up a tribunal for those who issued criminal orders “He made a promise.
“You have been duped and betrayed,” Reznikov said of the Kremlin.
Reznikov stated “Ukrainian soldiers do not require Russian territory; we have plenty of our own. And we’re reclaiming them all.”In recent weeks, Ukrainian troops have led counter-offensives in the country’s south and east, reclaiming large swaths of territory.
The declared victories in Kherson’s southern region are the latest in a string of Russian defeats undermining the Kremlin’s claim to have annexed roughly 20% of Ukraine.”In the Kherson region alone, more than (500 square kilometers) have been liberated from Russian occupiers since the beginning of October,” President Volodymyr Zelensky said late Thursday in his nightly address.
According to Natalia Gumeniuk, spokeswoman for the southern army command, the seized territory was home to large numbers of towns and villages that had been seized by Russian forces for months.