Online flirting can harm in-person relationships, according to two studies by Israeli researcher Professor Gurit Birnbaum of Reichman University’s Baruch Ivcher School of Psychology. According to the data, people are more likely to feel strongly about an online flirted-with stranger than they are towards their real-life relationship.
The investigations examined how persons who are in long-term monogamous relationships can withstand temporary temptations. The other half of the participants were paired with a researcher who flirted with them during the talk, while the other half were paired with a member of the study team who kept objectivity in conversations.
In comparison to those who were neutral in the chat, it was discovered throughout research that participants who flirted with regarded their partner negatively on both “conscious and unconscious levels.”Following the discussions, participants in the second trial were instructed to describe a fantasy. Judges analyzed the fantasies and looked at the level of desire in both the real-life and the fantasy couples.