BRAZIL: A handcuffed man managed to jump right off a moving police vehicle right under the eyes of cops in Brazil.
According to NDTV, the incident took place on December 28, 2021, at Alagoa Nova in Brazil. Later on, the act — which was caught on CCTV cameras — was shared on the YouTube channel of ViralHog.
The video, which bore the title, “Prisoner flees from moving police vehicle,” and has garnered 84,798 views to date. Viewers have been left flabbergasted by watching the prisoner’s skill of escaping so swiftly without harming himself.
Taking to YouTube’s comments section, a user wrote in disbelief: “Did they really handcuff him to the back of the van?”
Another commented: “That’s why they always have to handcuff them behind the back.”
A third user went ahead to praise the man’s escaping act and wrote: “Clever how he stayed ducked down… Avoiding the rearview mirror.”
The man escaped by opening the “chess” door of the police car. He jumped out of the car in the middle of the street, quickly crouched being on the street, and ran as fast as he could for his life, the report said.
Due to this act of his, the police were not able to detect his escape from the rearview mirror of the vehicle.
As per the report, the prisoner’s absence was revealed to the police when they reached the police station.