(Amir of the Islamic Organization of Pakistan)
There is guidance regarding domestic life in the four consecutive rukus 28 to 31 of Surah Al-Baqarah. In these verses, piety is mentioned several times. The Holy Quran is a guidance for all human beings, but this guidance will be given to those who have a little bit of piety. According to the Quranic words, it is a guidance for the pious (Al-Baqarah).
There are many relationships in the world of man, but in verse 67 of Surah Al-Zukhruf, it is said that the relationship of man will be acceptable to Allah which is based on piety. Not only friendships will be useful, but the friendship of the pious will be useful. The meaning of piety is fearing Allah, avoiding sins. Obviously, a servant who fears Allah will also fulfill his duties and obligations. But Allah’s punishment often flares up for sins. The events of previous nations are before us.
Whether it is the people of Ad, Thamud, the people of Noah (peace be upon him) or any other nation that Allah has punished, it was because of its sins. We have become accustomed to actively participating in charitable works, except for the sake of Allah. Nawafil (optional), Mustahab (recommended), Tasbeeh (prayer) and Adhkar (recitation of the Quran) are also arranged. The virtues of deeds are also explained in great detail, but the issue of avoiding sins, that is, forbidding evil, is relatively rare. We are not abandoning what is forbidden, we are not abandoning lies, we are not abandoning breaking promises, there is a lot of shamelessness, indecency, interest, and other negative things.
However, the Prophet of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “If you avoid what Allah has forbidden, you will be the greatest worshippers.” Another blessed hadith is that “He who avoids what Allah has forbidden, his rank with Allah is the same as that of a person who prays Nawafil prayers every night and fasts during the day.” The excellence of piety is so great that the Prophet of Allah, pointing to his blessed chest, said, “Piety is here.” We can make our outward appearance as Muslim as we want, but if there is no piety in the heart, it is nothing. Before doing anything, a servant should think in his heart that Allah will not be displeased.
Living life in this state so that when death comes, he comes in this state of submission. In Surah Al-Imran, verse 102, the divine command is; “O you who believe! Fear Allah as much as He deserves, and do not die except in a state of submission.
Readers, the Paradise of Allah is not as easy as we have thought. Paradise is surrounded by hardships. Avoiding sins and adhering to obedience to Allah is a constant task of hard work. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Whoever obeys Allah and then protects himself from sins, Allah will humiliate the world and place it at his feet. This world is a very insignificant thing. There is a blessed hadith that whoever fears Allah, then on the Day of Resurrection, when he stands up, he will not have to run towards Paradise, but Paradise will be brought close to him.
We should know that man is not a male animal. Allah has breathed into him from His soul. On the basis of this soul, man has been given the honor of being the best of creation, and after this soul was breathed into him, Allah Almighty made the angels bow down before Adam (peace be upon him). Therefore, it is incumbent upon man to protect and nurture this soul.
But unfortunately, today the West has made man a mere economic animal. No clothing, no distinction between mahram and non-mahram, no marriage, no home, no family. An attempt is being made to make man a complete animal. We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return, all this is the result of not protecting the soul. Then it is also obligatory on us to protect the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon us, these blessings should be obtained in a lawful way, they should be used in a lawful way.
The human body and organs are also blessings, they should not be used for forbidden things. Children are also a trust of Allah. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Each of you is a guardian and each of you will be questioned about his subjects.” Children should be raised with lawful earnings, their religious training should be arranged, and every effort should be made to make them servants of Allah. Similarly, it is obligatory on a Muslim to protect the limits that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) has set.
In Surah Al-Hujurat, verse 01, Allah Almighty says: “O you who believe! Do not go ahead of Allah and His Messenger ﷺ.” Similarly, Allah Almighty entrusted His religion to us. If it is established, then it is obligatory for every Muslim to protect it and if it is not established, then it is obligatory for every Muslim to strive to establish it. The book of Allah, the Holy Quran, is with us. It is obligatory for every Muslim to read, understand and then act upon it.
A believing Muslim should not become fearless on the basis that he continues to commit sins, indulge in unlawful eating, and engage in disobedience under the protection of Allah’s mercy. He is Most Gracious, there is no doubt about that, He is Most Merciful, there is no doubt about that, He is Most Forgiving, there is no doubt about that, but He is also Al-Adal. The glory of a believer is that he avoids all possible sins and fears the displeasure of Allah.
Keep the fear of Allah in your heart at all times. Love for other relationships in the world is also natural, but above all, love for Allah should be for Allah, and Allah should be the first goal. This is the sincerity that should be present in the hearts. In life, every pious person will face troubles, troubles, and hardships. But the believers (men and women) who have piety towards Allah will surely be blessed with the Hereafter.
The Almighty Allah has instructed in Surah Al-Baqarah: Verse 165; Translation: “And the believers love Allah more than anything else.”
May Allah grant us all the success in His love, otherwise the servant becomes engrossed in the love of small things and makes them idols. I seek forgiveness from Allah. Surah Al-An’am: Verse 162 says, “Say, ‘My prayer, my sacrifice, my life and my death are for Allah, the Lord of the worlds.’” As if whatever a servant does, his intention should be to please his Lord so that on the Day of Judgment, Allah Almighty will say, “O soul at peace! Now return to your Lord, well-pleased with Him and well-pleased with you, so enter among My (righteous) servants and enter My Paradise!” (Surah Al-Fajr 30)
Love for other relationships in this world is also a natural thing, but love for Allah above all else should be, Allah should be the first goal. This is the sincerity that is needed in the hearts, then in changing circumstances, misfortunes may also come, troubles may also come, and hardships may also come. In Surah At-Taghabun:11, Allah Almighty says: “No calamity befalls except by the permission of Allah. And whoever believes in Allah, He guides his heart. ‘’
May the servant be content with the pleasure of the Lord.
The purpose of my life is to promote your religion.
That is why I am a Muslim, that is why I pray.
A servant who has these qualities and qualities will receive the help and support of Allah, and if he remains steadfast, Allah will also grant him Paradise. In Surah Q:34, He said: Enter it (Paradise) in peace.
A name for Paradise is Dar-ul-Salam, which means the home of peace. In this world, there is sorrow, grief, decline, decline, illness, pain, and anxiety. This is because the life of this world is a test. Whoever passes this test, for him peace in the Hereafter will be peace and that is the place to stay forever.
There are crises in the world, famine, floods and other calamities, sometimes a poor person becomes in need of even two daily meals, but there the blessings will never end, nor will any calamity come. There the angels will say peace: Surah Al-Waqi’ah 26 says, “But (for them) there will be only the sounds of peace.” Above all, Allah Himself will say peace. Then Surah Yasin verse 58 says, “Peace will be said from the Most Merciful Lord.”
Where the Lord will say peace to the servants, what a world of peace there will be. However, it should be remembered that no one will go to Paradise on the basis of his deeds. This is possible only because of the mercy of Allah. In Surah Q, He said: “Now is this a day of eternal life. They will have in it whatever they desire, and with Us is much more.” May Allah grant us all.
This worldly life is mortal, temporary and short-lived. Everyone is destined to die here. Everything has to perish, but there life will be forever. We want to get everything in this world. At first, we will not get it, and even if we get a little, it is temporary, and everything will be left behind as soon as we go two feet under the ground. Whereas in Paradise, a person will get whatever he wants. Every person will get everything he wants according to his taste and passion. Here and there, a desire will arise in the heart of a person, and there it will be fulfilled.
In a hadith qudsi, Allah Almighty says: I have prepared for My righteous servants in Paradise that which no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no heart has thought of. We cannot even imagine the blessings of Paradise while living in this world. According to the tradition of Muslim Sharif, the last servant who will be taken out of Hell and admitted to Paradise, his Paradise will be ten times greater than this world.
This will be the glory of the last person to enter Paradise, so just think how vast will be the Paradise of those who go first. What will be the scope of the Paradise of the Companions? What will be the scope of the Paradise of the Prophets? What will be the scope of the Paradise of Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him)? Above all, it will be the blessing of seeing Allah Almighty. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: O my Companions! You see this moon of the fourteenth. The Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) said: O Messenger of Allah! There is no doubt, there is no doubt, we can see it. He (peace be upon him) said: Just like that, you will see your Lord in Paradise.
This is the glory of Allah’s Paradise and mercy, but this Paradise will be granted only to those who have the qualities that have been described here. Today, we are being consumed by the sorrow of the world, we are being shaken by the greed of the world, do we even worry about this eternal Paradise? Whoever adopts this kind of thinking, these worldly thoughts will not drive him crazy, God willing. May Allah Almighty grant us all this certainty. Amen, O Lord of the Worlds!