PML-Q leader Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi has officially joined the PTI along with other PML-Q members, shortly after Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain terminated the ex-Punjab chief minister’s party membership. According to media reports, Imran Khan proposed merging both parties rather than having the Chaudhrys of Gujarat remain PTI allies. Elahi is also expected to be appointed as party president, putting him in the second-most powerful position in the party after PTI Chairman Imran Khan. Political observers had previously stated that there had to be some incentive for Elahi to join the PTI because he is a senior, traditional, and formidable politician with a firm grip on Punjab politics.
Observers are now wondering whether the latest decision will benefit the PTI or only the Chaudhrys of Gujarat. And it does sound very good for Pervaiz Elahi, Moonis Elahi, and others who have joined the PTI with them—but is the PTI side as happy about this, or are some uncomfortable questions being raised? There’s also the possibility that realpolitik drove this decision: Elahi’s history with the establishment can’t hurt the PTI at a time when it desperately needs a negotiating arm.
Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi was not only Punjab’s chief minister twice, but he was also known as a CM in Punjab who delivered and was not Shehbaz Sharif. Elahi had also been critical of Buzdar’s tenure in the province, and now there is speculation about who will be the PTI’s CM candidate if and when the PTI forms a government in Punjab again: Buzdar, Elahi, or a party stalwart like Shah Mahmood? It may make sense for the PTI to appoint Pervaiz Elahi or his son Moonis as the next CM, but it may not be that simple. If there are people who are unhappy with Imran’s decision to include Elahi and others in the PTI, there may be some opposition to the new inductees, especially when it comes to giving party tickets for the next elections, both in Punjab and at the national level.
Elahi’s decision to join the PTI makes sense because it means he is now an important member of one of Punjab’s largest parties rather than leading a party with a small number of seats. According to observers, he is considering Moonis Elahi’s future. Being an old political leader has its advantages, and in a party where Imran Khan is the sole decision-maker, Elahi and his clan may benefit if they can influence PTI decisions, particularly in Punjab.
Elahi was able to make and implement important decisions during his brief stint as Chief Minister of Punjab. He is also known for knowing how to run the show because of his experience dealing with bureaucracy, the police, and other institutions. This gives him and his son an advantage over other PTI leaders. Those who have followed the Chaudhrys’ politics say Elahi took a risk by siding with the PTI after the dissolution of the two provincial assemblies and may be able to see it through. More importantly, he may believe that if Imran is disqualified, their future in the PTI will be even more important than it was previously.