More than 130 businesses The Gen X generation (those born from 1965 and 1980) couples may benefit from WhatsApp by having an alternative to in-person disagreements, according to a recent study published in the journal New Media and Society.
Gen X was not raised with technology like millennials and Gen Z, which is why they have issues using technology and the internet.
More than 130 businesses The behaviour of Gen X couples who have acclimated to WhatsApp for regular interpersonal communication and the advantages it has brought them was examined by researchers from Reichman University in Israel.
The study’s findings revealed that couples exhibited similar behaviour on WhatsApp and utilised the service as a private place to argue away from prying eyes.WhatsApp can not only provide Researchers suggested in a media release on Eureka Alert that providing Gen X couples with an unique “venue” to “conduct our relationship, while it may also help save it,” would be beneficial.
More than 130 businesses Additionally, the team discovered that conflict management tendencies in WhatsApp discussions matched those in genuine in-person contact as noted by clinical psychologist & mathematician John Gottman.WhatsApp can not only provide Gen X couples with a different “venue” to “conduct our relationship, but it may also help save it,” researchers claimed in a media release on Eureka Alert.
More than 130 businesses Additionally, the team discovered that conflict management tendencies in WhatsApp discussions matched those in genuine in-person contact as noted by clinical psychologist & mathematician John Gottman.