Mumbai’s Aaradhya Bachchan, 11, has filed a lawsuit against a YouTube channel for spreading false news about her health. She is the daughter of Bollywood actors Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan. On April 20, the Delhi High Court will hear the matter.
According to reports, Aaradhya has complained to the channel for publishing unsuitable and false news about her. Aaradhya has previously been the victim of trolls on social media who have criticised her fashion sense and appearance.
Aaradhya’s father, Abhishek Bachchan, has already spoken out against his daughter’s harassment by online trolls. Instead of bringing his daughter into the conversation, he invited people to target their comments at him.
The legal action taken by Aaradhya serves as a reminder of the need of online accountability and appropriate reporting. The children of the Bachchan family should not be the target of rumours and mistreatment because they have grown up in the public glare.