ISLAMABAD (PR): Upon the request of Rescue-1122, National Highways & Motorway Police conducted driving test of candidates for the post of “Driver” in Rescue-1122. The test was based on 03 stages i.e. “Theoretical Test”, “Theme Park Test” and “Road Test”. In Theoretical Test, proficiency of candidate about basic traffic rules and road traffic signs was assessed using computer machines. Whereas, Theme Park Test, was of practical nature. In this test candidate has to drive the vehicle on a specially designed road track to evaluate his knowledge and skills regarding vehicle control, road signs and road furniture. Finally, in the “Road Test”, candidates were required to drive the vehicle. This test was designed to judge the road sense and confidence of the candidate during driving.
As many as 1027 candidates applied and appeared in the above mentioned tests, out of which 237 candidates succeeded and found eligible for NH&MP driving license. All aspects of technical excellence and transparency were taken under consideration during the process. Nowadays, NH&MP Licensing Authority is gauging the proficiency of drivers of Lahore High Court.