It is credibly reported that starting in June 2024, the government will raise the amount of electricity supplied to K-Electric from the national grid by 950MW.
According to the Indicative Generation Capacity Expansion Plan, 2022-31 (IGCEP) submitted by NTDC to the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority, the National Transmission and Despatch Company (NTDC) will increase the 1100MW of electricity it currently supplies to K-Electric from the national grid to 2050MW starting in June 2024.
NTDC is currently supplying K-Electric with power in the absence of a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), but both parties are hopeful that a deal can be reached in the near future. Currently, KE depends on the national grid for one-third of its power source.
The KE system now has a total installed generation capacity of 3,319 MW, of which 97% are thermal projects using local gas, local coal, imported coal, RFO, and RLNG-based technologies, and 3% are renewable energy projects using solar PV.
10,861 GWh of energy was generated by the K-Electric system power generation fleet in the fiscal year 2021–2022, with 96 percent of that energy coming from thermal projects based on local gas, RFO, HSD, imported coal, and RLNG technology, 1% from nuclear projects, 2% from solar PV, and 1% from wind-based technology. According to the proposal, 682MW of KE’s current capacity will be retired within the next ten years.