If you ever look up at a full moon at night, you will see a large halo of light around it.
But why is this glowing circle around the moon?
This halo is not an indication of poor eyesight, but a result of ice particles or ice crystals.
According to experts from Columbia University, tiny ice particles scatter the moonlight.
These ice particles accumulate in cirrus clouds, a type of cloud.
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These are mainly pure ice clouds that exist in the upper atmosphere 31 miles above the Earth’s surface.
Experts said that since these clouds are very high and very thin, it is not possible to see them with the naked eye.
The size of the moon’s halo is always the same, no matter where you are in the world or what the season is like.
If you check it, you will find that the visible halo is 22 degrees wide and this is due to the composition of the ice particles.
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These ice particles are hexagonal in shape.
These particles reflect light in a specific way.
When light enters one of the 6 corners of these particles, it is somewhat scattered, and when light reaches the other corners, it is further scattered, resulting in a perfect 22-degree circle. comes out.
In simple words, the light from the moon reaches our eyes through ice particles and that is why we see the glowing halo around the moon.
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However, at some places, this circle is also 46 degrees which is very large and seems to cover half the sky.
The halo is not only of the moon but also around the sun but it is difficult to see because the sun is very bright.
Other planets like Mars also have halos due to clouds.