Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan, also known as TLP, unexpectedly had its official Twitter account blocked. Even better, the account featured Twitter’s blue tick verification.
The snapshot demonstrates that the user already had over 17,000 followers and was following 12 people in return. Although the cause for this suspension is still unknown, we are attempting to contact Twitter for a response.
Hafiz Saad Hussain Rizvi and the Labbaik Welfare Foundation are two further TLP-related accounts that are still active. They both have thousands of followers apiece and are verified accounts.
We may have an idea as to why this suspension is taking place, despite the fact that the cause is unknown. It might be related to the recent changes Twitter has gone through when Elon Musk came over as CEO. Twitter has been cracking down on phoney accounts that pose as real users and feature blue ticks. In that aspect, there may have been some misunderstanding, but this is just our opinion. We advise using this information as a guide only.