ISLAMABAD: Chief Justice Athar Minallah of the Islamabad High Court (IHC) stated on Friday that the state was involved in the practise of enforced disappearances as the court heard petitions regarding the recovery of missing persons.
During today’s hearing, Chief Justice Athar Minallah questioned the deputy attorney general about why people were still being “picked up.” “What steps has the federal government taken, and who is accountable?” he inquired.
In response, the deputy attorney general informed the court that the federal cabinet had formed a missing persons committee that would make recommendations on missing persons cases.
CJ Minallah then pressed the government representative on whether the government had issued affidavits to former chief executives, including former President Pervez Musharraf.
The deputy attorney general stated that the affidavits were under the jurisdiction of the attorney general, who was “abroad and will present arguments on this if given some time.”
The chief justice expressed his dissatisfaction with the state’s behaviour and noted that relevant parties were not giving the issue adequate weight. “Today, the federal government demonstrated that it is unconcerned about such a major issue,” he added.
The IHC directed the government to investigate missing persons cases, adding that it would be preferable if the chief executive was present.
“You are proving that the state has been disappearing people since the days of General Musharraf; someone is responsible for the period in which people go missing,” CJ Minallah said.
The court also stated that they are largely ineffective as long as the practise continues and the government fails to comply with the IHC.