National cricketer Shoaib Malik is being severely criticized on his son’s birthday. Yesterday, Indian tennis star Sania Mirza celebrated her son Izhan Malik’s sixth birthday with great fanfare, the pictures of which were circulating on social media. However, now Shoaib Malik has reached Dubai and he has also posted photos of his son’s birthday on his social media accounts in which he is celebrating Izhan’s birthday.
In the birthday video and pictures, Izhan did not seem too happy with his father, for which social media users criticized Shoaib Malik. Shoaib Malik Under Fire for Son’s Birthday Post In the comments, social media users are expressing their anger in favor of Sania Mirza while against Shoaib Malik and Sana Javed. Shoaib Malik Under Fire for Son’s Birthday Post Social media users criticized the national player and said that he cheated on his wife by having an affair with an actress and destroyed a laughing house while Izhan is also uncomfortable with his father.