The conversion of five tehsils into districts received in-principle permission from Punjab Chief Minister Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi on Friday.The chief minister gave his approval for the creation of new districts in Taunsa Sharif, Muree, Wazirabad, Talagang, and Kot Addu on the direction of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Chairman Imran Khan.
The CM stated during his speech that the people’s pledges had been kept. In a significant public gathering of Khawaja Shiraz MNA in 2005, he declared, “I announced granting Taunsa the status of a district; and in a significant gathering of Hafiz Ammar Yasir in 2018, I announced making Talagang a district.
“Thank God, I have given the new districts of Taunsa and Talagang my approval. The creation of districts has also been approved for Muree, Wazirabad, and Kot Addu, and praise be to Allah Almighty for keeping His promise to the residents of Taunsa, Talagang, Murree, Wazirabad, and Kot Addu.