It seems that politicians are not willing to hold local body election in the country, the issue of local government elections has been delayed for years with the pretext of one to another lame excuses on for years. It is amazing that on the one hand, politicians keep defending the democracy in the country but on the other side they are not willing to give the rights of the people by dissolving the right of power in the grass root level. Supreme Court has been intervening time and again but politicians seem not willing to fulfill their responsibilities to the people whose votes have sent them to parliament.
This trend has to be changed that for every positive act, someone has to push us with force to do it. We are, as a nation not learning the lesson to fulfill our responsibilities. We are setting wrong trends; it is the time politicians must show some seriousness for the devolution of power by organizing the local body elections, which would provide the rights to the common people to redress their grievances on their own. A mayor has stakes to serve his people locally, because the he would understand the problems of people in a better way and would try level best to solve them to get votes to return to office.