By Asif Mahmood
Hindutca terror has snuffed out the Indian Muslims. Worse still is the Moditva offensive, an ultimate idiocy taking place under the watch of egoistic Modi, a bereft of forbearance. Things are being reduced to the ridiculous. Then the Muslims were at the receiving end; now the whole India is witnessing the short of intellect of an illiterate and dull-witted leadership.
While Hindutva was assault against the Indian Muslims , the Moditva is a swat on Indian society. Paranoid Modi has lost his grip on prudence and simmering brainlessness can be very lethal for the whole region.
Grappled with the Hindu fascism and raved with majoritarian extremism , Modi is emerging as a threatening cult not only for India but for the whole region.
After curbing the Human Rights of the people of occupied Kashmir the hydra header monster is now on the move towards the Indian society. Moditva is working on its full skills. Sometimes the democracies create the worst non-democratic monsters. India has successfully accomplished its endeavor.
With the introduction of fact check mechanism Modi government has actually snatched away the freedom of expression from the Indian citizens, a right Muslims have already been denied for years by the fascist regime.
Through the new rule all online operators have been told that only the fact check body has the right to determine if any news or views is true or false. The body shall be appointed by the government and it shall have arbitrary powers to flag the false news. The body shall shall issue a list of dos and don’ts and all online platforms are bound to follow it. Every item flagged by the body as false shall be removed from online platforms immediately. In case of a failure to comply with the takedown order from the government officials they will lose safe harbor and they ill be held responsible for a third party content.
In means there is no room to criticize Modi regime on social media forums in the days to come. Modi regime is following the Hitler’s footsteps and Indian society is finally held hostage to its own fascism.
Enjoy dear neighbors! This is the abyss you opted for. Now as long as Modi is in the power you have freedom only when you sleep. The moment you wake , Moditva is there to make you happy.