By Staff Reporter
ISLAMABAD: Sardar Khan Niazi, Chief Editor of the Pakistan Group of Newspapers and Chairman of Roze News TV, talked in Sachi Baat. He discussed about the today’s disqualifying verdict for Sardar Tanveer Ilyas, PM AJK. SK Niazi asked from Ex PM AJK Sardar Abdul Qayum that what will happen now after this verdict.
Answering to the question he replied,” Voters are awaked now. They are watching what is happening and who is responsible or behind it. It’s very sad that our two PM’s removed from the office. New PM will be nominated after the approval of IK and party meeting. While, Shah Ghualm Qadir President PML (N) AJK participated in the program and share his views on the verdict. He said culture of AJK is very patient and humble. But after the arrival of Sardar Tanvir in politics of AJK, whole culture disturbed by his abusive language and illegal and unconstitutional acts. He further added that Tanveer does not respect constitution and judiciary. Court did what he deserves. He stays in Islamabad and his ministers are nowhere. And he cannot be comeback now only solution is election.
During this Finance Minister also joined the program via video link. He shared detail of the verdict that court has given us some time. The decision of court surprised us and we will file petition in the SC. The next candidate will be selected after the discussion of parliamentary committee.
Gen®️ Khalid Naeem Lodhi also expressed his view on verdict of the court. He said Abdul Qayum was nice and humble man. He removed from the post in hurry. IK should confirm before making any big decision. People misguided IK by their false talks. He said today’s courts decision set an example. He suggested the judges that now they have to take their decisions on merit without any hesitation. He said that PML (N) internal politics is very complex. When Shahbaz faces difficult time people from his party stands against him. In Pakistani Politics brother stand against brother for benefits. He said now world is changing as Iran and Saudi, East Germany and West Germany came closer.
Pakistan will also change In sha Allah. People and voters stand with IK. Soon according to the people wish a constitutional system is coming. He said if we want to save country we must protect our constitution. For this we have to give priority to Pakistan before anything else. He criticized the PDM govt that they celebrated constitutional jubilee but they don’t respect constitution. He also said that govt didn’t get what it wished for in NSC. He concluded that whoever disrespects constitution, he always remembered in bad words.
Replying to the question about default of country, renowned economist Shahid Hassan Siddiqui said, Muslim and atomic power never think about default cause its very risky for that country. If this happen, Pakistan will force to compromise on their national interests. Pakistan has to return 80b $ debt in next three years. It’s not an easy task to return such a big amount. We are facing problems only for 1b$.From Pakistan many people send dollars through hundi out of the country. For new loans national interests are compromised. He said political statements of our leaders and politicians put Pakistan into FATF. But also assured that according to current scenario of the world 2023 is safe year for Pakistan.