By Staff Reporter
ISLAMABAD: Chief Editor of the Pakistan Group of Newspapers and Chairman of Roze News TV, SK Niazi, stated that while the government does a lot of things verbally, nothing is happening in practice. As per my understanding, the politics of Pakistan are not balanced; the politics become one-sided.
Economist Mirza Akhtar Baig participated in the programme “Sachi Baat.” He stated that the IMF has said that targeted subsidies should be given to the poor. The IMF has said that privileges should be withdrawn from the elite. New taxes will be levied from the mini-budget of $170 billion. If the prime minister’s austerity measures are implemented, it will be a good start. Inflation has reached 30 to 35 percent. This much inflation has never been seen before. What has such a big cabinet done for the economy so far? On merit, steps should be taken to stabilise the economy. The government will also have to take unpopular decisions to improve the economy. At this time, there is a do-or-die situation; decisions will have to be made in the national interest. Political instability is causing the biggest damage to the country’s economy, Due to political instability; both investors and the common man are worried. The division of the nation into institutions is clearly visible. The digital census is expected to increase seats, until the census is completed, it is not possible to go to the election.
Similarly, General (ret.) Naeem Khalid Lodhi participated in the programme “Sachi Baat.” He stated that the economy and international politics are connected and that as long as there is political instability, the economy will not recover. At present, our foreign policy is confused. Contacts with Afghanistan must be maintained at all times, and our foreign policy must be improved. The last hope of the entire nation is the Supreme Court. If the provincial assembly elections are announced, they will go against PDM. The result of the Rajanpur by-elections is in front of everyone. The graph of the Tehreek-e-Insaf rises with each step of the PTI’s suppression.
Kanwar Dilshad, the former secretary of the Election Commission, appeared on the programme “Sachi Baat” in the meantime. He stated that “After the Eighteenth Amendment, the powers have been given to the Governor; under Article 105, the Governor has the power to give the date; when the month of March passes and April comes, the Election Commission can call for a general election; Imran Khan has also taken a statement regarding the census; the general election is not seen to be held in 2023; the Supreme Court is the supreme institution; and the judiciary is being criticized.”