ISLAMABAD: Army Chief General Syed Asim Munir has made it clear in two words that the rioting group Fitna al-Khawarij is completely alien to Islam and completely foreign.
Army Chief General Syed Asim Munir’s special conversation with students has appeared on social media in the form of a clip, in which the Army Chief, addressing the new generation, has explained his point of view in a very comprehensive, reasoned and meaningful manner.
Addressing the students, the Army Chief said that they should throw down their weapons before the state, then they can expect mercy from the state, but the misguided group is not allowed to impose its values on our country.
The Army Chief said that we are fighting the rioters of Fitna al-Khawarij, these foreign elements are misinterpreting Islam and violating Islamic teachings. We fight like comrades and the joy of the army is that there is no Sindhi, Balochi, Punjabi Pathan, but we are all Pakistanis.
In his speech, the Army Chief said that talking to the youth is always a great pleasure for me and as long as the nation, especially our youth, is behind the army, the Pakistan Army will never lose.
Quoting some verses of the Holy Quran, the Army Chief further clarified his position that the Holy Quran has clear orders and punishments regarding the Fitna al-Kharij.
Regarding the Fitna al-Kharij, the Army Chief said that the Quran clearly states that the punishment for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and spread mischief on earth is to kill them, crucify them, or cut off their hands from different sides, or expel them from their land. This is the punishment for them in this world, while in the Hereafter they will be given a painful punishment.
The Army Chief said that the Quran tells those who want to escape punishment to throw away their weapons or accept the punishment, then Allah is Forgiving and Merciful, thus they can expect mercy from the state as well.
Regarding women, the Army Chief clarified that Islam has elevated women to the heavens and given them respect, whether they are mothers, wives or sisters, but who are you today to snatch it away or who gave you this authority, no one can snatch it away.
In the speech, the Army Chief’s bold stance on the Fitna al-Kharij and their facilitation in Afghanistan reflects Islamic injunctions and Pakistan’s interests and ideals in every respect.