Senior Vice President of PTI Fawad Chaudhry criticised the policies of the current administration once more on Sunday, calling Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s notion for the a charter of the economy a “foolish idea.”
In a jab at PM Shehbaz, the former minister of communication and broadcasting said, “The leader of the imported government’s refusal to organise elections is a manifestation of his intention to cling to power at all costs.”
“This idea of a charter economy is absurd. Only to create a political framework do political parties get together.
Only under communist systems do you find a unified economic system,”Yesterday night, millions of individuals who took part in [PTI’s] Lahore Jalsa announced that the realisation of the ideal of freedom was incomplete until genuine freedom was realised,” Fawad said in reference to PTI Chairman Imran Khan’s jalsa in Lahore on the eve of August 14.
“The movement has already begun on a national level. Insha Allah, this administration will only be here for a few more weeks.