Former cricketer and Indian cricket analyst Sanjay Manjrekar praised former captain Virat Kohli performance during the Asia Cup match against Pakistan, but he also noted a few alterations to the right-handed batter’s approach.”There were a few things I enjoyed about him and things I hadn’t really seen him do before. If you recall, in that inning he played three pulls.”
There was one hook that went for six, but he also made a few pull shots, which is what I look for as an analyst, he added.The fact that Virat Kohli is attempting something novel, according to Manjrekar, is what intrigues him.Before the ball was delivered, I was just getting a little technical.
I believe now someone has gotten to him where he is now exploring the back foot play a little more because he actually had a trigger movement where he moved back in the crease on two separate times,” he said.The pundit claimed to have observed the same phenomenon with the previous captain, but mostly on the offensive foot.
“A catch was again dropped while reaching for the ball with the front foot. So I’m not saying back foot defence if he begins combining back foot aggressiveness.