Following a drinking night with friends on Tuesday, a Japanese man lost a USB drive containing private information about Amagasaki residents. According to local media, the unidentified man spent several hours drinking alcohol in a nearby hotel before realizing his bag was missing once he had left the hotel.
According to the Japanese broadcaster, the man, who was in his 40s, worked for a business entrusted with giving incentives to families that were excused from paying taxes.
According to officials, the USB had names, dates of birth, residences, and sensitive information for every city resident, including tax information, bank account numbers, and information for families receiving social security.
According to officials, the USB drive’s data is password-protected and encrypted. No indication that anyone has attempted to access the material has been seen thus far.
Authorities, the mayor of the city, and other leaders were forced to apologize to the populace as a result of the embarrassing episode.
It is unknown if the employee will face consequences for his error.